Other Staff

Miss Mehra

Ms Csanyi

Mrs Cummins

Mrs Smith

Mrs St Claire-Smith

Mrs Lawson
What the children are learning this year
The Early Years environment focuses on children learning through play and investigation. Through fun activities, first hand learning opportunities and events children will then become inquisitive and enthusiastic learners. Structured full class and group learning is then slowly increased throughout the year to get them ready to enter key stage 1.
School Trips
St Mary’s Church
This visit allows the children to see the different parts of the church and what they are used for. It also allows the children to gain a greater understanding of the Christian faith.
Wakehurst Place
This visit allows the children to gain first-hand experience of different environments and their similarities and differences to other environments they have experienced. They will also be looking at changes in living animals and plants. The children always enjoy their first full day class trip and understand that rules and routines will be different in different situations.
Supporting Learning at Home
In reception, we encourage the children to do as much learning at home as possible. With this in mind we would be grateful if you could support your child in the following areas:
- Daily reading of their phonics books
- RWI phonics
- Reading in the environment around them (signs, cereal boxes, etc.)
- Counting forwards and backwards beyond 20
- Reading and writing numbers to 20 and beyond
- Maths in their environment (paying with money, counting the cars you see on a journey, etc.)
Each week, we will send home via Class Dojo, what we are learning in school, and how you can support with this at home.
Thank you for your continued support!
Class Dojo is an online resource where parents can connect to the day to day learning. It is a secure environment where we can share photos and videos of what we are doing in school.
Oxford Owl is an online resource where you can read eBooks to support children’s learning.
Online Safety
All children need to learn how to keep themselves safe online. Here are some things you can do:
CEOPS is the best place to go if you wish to report something inappropriate on the internet.
ThinkUKnow is where you can play interactive games and learn more about being safe online.
Kidsmart has lots of information about how you can keep yourself safe online.
For more information and help go to our Online Safety page.
EYFS Calendar
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |