Other Staff
Mrs Brown
Mrs Crocker
Mrs Davies
Mrs Courtman
Mrs Allen
Mr Byrne
What the children are learning this year
Year 6 have a rich and varied learning experience. Children are well prepared for the Keystage 2 SATS in May while still enjoying a broad curriculum.
School Trips
Bowles Residential
Year 6 spend an amazing week at the Bowles Rocks Residential Centre with a focus on outdoor adventurous activities including rock climbing, canoeing and dry slope skiing.
Visit Bowles Rocks Residential Centre.
Imperial War Museum
Year 6 visit the Imperial War Museum in London, exploring what life was like during the second world war, linking to our history topic.
Supporting Learning at Home
The learning the children are expected to complete at home has a clear focus on key skills that will not only enable them to make the expected academic progress but also foster those vital skills that they will need beyond their time at school. We therefore expect them to practice their times tables and read daily. We ask children to records their daily reading on the Go Read app.
Go Read is used to monitor reading in school and at home. Children can update home reading themselves using the app or desktop log in.
Class Dojo is an online reward system and communication tool. Parents can contact teachers via the messaging tool. Please note that quiet hours are set by teachers and messages during the school day should be sent to the office.
Times Table Rock Stars Every child in Year 6 has a TTR login. This is an online programme which is highly engaging and supports the learning and speedy recall of times tables facts. The children can take part in single player activities to improve their own knowledge and speed and when they feel confident enough, they can take on challenges from other children in their class, our school and across the TTR community. There are certificates for the most improved Rock star in each year group and a hall of fame which is displayed in the main corridor for everyone to see.
Online Safety
All children need to learn how to keep themselves safe online. Here are some things you can do:
CEOPS is the best place to go if you wish to report something inappropriate on the internet.
ThinkUKnow is where you can play interactive games and learn more about being safe online.
Kidsmart has lots of information about how you can keep yourself safe online.
For more information and help go to our Online Safety page.
Year 6 Calendar
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |