Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvellous – how well I know it.
– Psalm 139, NLT
Belonging together: union with Christ and in fellowship with one another
So you also are complete through your union with Christ
– Colossians 2.10 NLT
But if we are living in the light as god is light then we have fellowship with each other
– 1John 1.7 NLT
Challenged to Contribute; to communities near and far
But if we are living in the light as god is light then we have fellowship with each other
– 1John 1.7 NLT
So now I am giving us a new commandment: Love each other Just as I have loved you, you should love each other
– John 13.34 NLT
God has given you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another
– 1Peter 4.10 NLT

Our Christian Vision guides the way we live together.
Enabling pupils and adults to flourish: Belief and love for how wonderfully complex every individual in our school community is, drives our determination to ensure that each and every one of them flourishes. We start from where they are – and walk the path with them.
Our vision- a golden thread through our curriculum: Our curriculum gives space for individuals to grown and expand their experiences; builds community through shared learning, and challenges us to take what we learn out in the wider world.
Worship which enables pupils and adults to flourish spiritually: Worship is at the very heart of our life together. We take and make the time to celebrate, to reflect and to ‘wonder’ – our key value of Koinonia knitting everyone together.
A culture in which pupils and adults are treated well: We love each other as we wish to be loved. Our code of conduct guides us in our choices, both big and small, as we strengthen our community and sense of belonging through the celebration of our diversity.
Promoting an active culture of justice and responsibility: We work together to improve lives, within and beyond our school – mindful of the challenge to use the variety of our spiritual gifts to serve one another.
Providing a vibrant RE curriculum: Learning and the learning are the heart of everything we do. Our carefully sequenced curriculum is brought to life by expert teachers, enabling children to make deep links between their learning about Christianity and other Faiths and the way we live our lives.
You can read more in our SIAMS report, our Worship policy, and our Equality statement.
“A values led Christian ethos inspires all children to achieve and encourages them to face the future with confidence”
St Mary’s CofE Primary School stands in 5 ½ acres of superb grounds, in the lee of the North Downs and offers outstanding learning opportunities for pupils aged 4 – 11, having capacity for 660 children across our 6 infant, and 16 junior classes.
St Mary’s has excellent facilities which are enjoyed by the children during the school day, and well used by them and the community outside school hours. In addition to our well-equipped classrooms and extensive grounds these include:
- Multi-Use Games Area with All-Weather Synthetic Turf
- Outdoor Swimming Pool
- 2 Halls, plus Studio
- 2 Football Pitches
- Netball Courts
- Cricket Nets
- 2 Environmental areas
- Library
- Music room
- Art/DT and Cooking room
For details on how to hire these facilities please contact us at
Community Links
As a Church of England School, we have a close link with our local church. The children attend special services such as Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter and the Rev. Ashton regularly leads Collective Worship.
The Church is actively engaged in school life and the Church also supports our Governors’ Fund to help maintain our buildings.
Church schools are overseen by the local diocese, which in St. Mary’s case is the Diocese of Southwark. They offer valuable advice and support to the Senior Leadership team and the governors.
The work we do to support charities near and far is very important to our school community. As well as supporting major charity events such as Children In Need and Comic Relief we also support charities which hold a special place in our hearts. In recent years these have included St. Christopher’s Hospice, the Mustard Seed Relief Mission with their initiative Love in a Box, and School in a Bag.
The children are adamant that helping others makes you ‘a special person’.
SIAMS Inspection report
St Mary’s C of E Primary School
Silkham Road