At St Mary’s we believe that if we want our children to appreciate the importance of making the most of their talents and opportunities, of being the best that they can be, then we must model this for them. We work really hard. We take the time to celebrate when all our efforts result in things going well. We take the time to reflect and keep looking for new opportunities to improve and develop our practice and the provision for our children.
“Pupils make rapid progress from their starting points and attain levels well above national expectations.”
– Ofsted
Ofsted and SIAMS
All schools are accountable for the public money that is entrusted to them for the education of the children in their care, and as such engage with inspection processes. St Mary’s has been rated as Good in our most recent Ofsted Inspection and Outstanding under the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). You can read the reports and explore more about Ofsted and SIAMS here:
At St Mary’s staff and children alike really love learning. You can read on our Learning pages how our attitudes to learning help us achieve our best. You can read here about how this translates into results.
Click here to read more information about the school’s performance and to make comparisons with other local schools.
Pupil Premium
There are some children who are at risk of making slower progress and failing to reach their full potential due to life experiences outside their control. The government has recognised this and provides additional money to schools to invest in extra support for these children which is called Pupil Premium. The money and support continues for 6 years – even if circumstances change. The only way that schools can access this money is by families registering their eligibility. You can find details on how to do this here.
At St Mary’s we have such a good track record of supporting our vulnerable pupils that we have been designated as Pupil Premium Champions – and can support other schools in developing their own provision.
The government asks all schools to publish a details of the impact of their work with vulnerable children. You can read ours here: 2024 2025 Pupil Premium Strategy.
Sports Premium
At St Mary’s we understand the importance of keeping children happy and healthy in body and mind, and that we can help them set habits that will last a lifetime. We are grateful that the generous sports premium provided by the government has enabled us to invest in staff training and facilities. Most notably we have used this (in 2017-18), alongside a massive local fundraising effort, to install a new Multi-Use Games Area for use by the school and the local community. We are now focusing our efforts on introducing the children to a love of a variety of sports and a love of being active outdoors.
You can read more about the sporting opportunities we provide on our Learning page and our Clubs page and in our Sports Premium Report 2023-2024.
School Finance
To see information about our school’s income and expenditure and compare this to other schools click here.
At St Mary’s we are always looking for ways to enrich the learning experiences for our children and to develop our practice. One way we do this is by using the structure provided by working towards external awards accredited by outside bodies. Follow the links to find out about what some of our most recent awards have entailed.
Artsmark Gold
School Games Award